Mother's Day Giveaway Opt-In
This Mother's Day, Twin with Us
Enter our Mother's Day Giveaway
In celebration of this year's Mother's Day, we've decided to throw a giveaway for our Meddy Teddy moms and minis.
To enter, simply enter your email address to win 1 of our 3 bundles to twin with your mom or daughter this Mother's Day.
Remember Mother's Day is Sunday, May 9th so
Enter your email to participate now!
Facebook, Instagram, and email.
We will randomly choose a winner from 1 of each of the 3 ways to enter.
Simply enter this giveaway on each platform for 2 more chances to win.
Facebook: To enter on Facebook make a comment on our Mother's Day Giveaway post.
Instagram: To enter on Instagram, be sure to follow @meddyteddy and @shopteeki, and tag a least one friend in the Mother's Day Giveaway post.