5 resources to help your child practice Yoga

5 OMazing resources to encourage your little cub to find peace through mindfulness and meditation. Also, Omazing yoga books to inspire!
Meddy Teddy
Check out these 5 great resources to help you get started on sharing yoga and mindfulness with your children:
1. Yoga for Children
This is a wonderful resource, written by children’s yoga expert, Lisa Flynn. In this book you will find color photographs, instructional scripts, and pose modifications for more than 200 yoga poses, meditations, and activities that are suitable for children between the ages of two and twelve. ‘Yoga for Children’ will help build your child’s confidence, self-awareness, and focus while strengthening your connection, one yoga session at a time.
2. Meddy Teddy
This is an adorable, poseable yoga and mindfulness teddy bear that is a great tool for teaching. It can also serve as a faithful companion. Be sure to check out the fun and inspirational images on Meddy Teddy’s Instagram account.
3. Kids Yoga Stories
This is a fabulous blog/website dedicated to kids yoga. Founder, Giselle Shardlow, shares her books that combine stories with yoga poses, resources and helpful information for parents and teachers.
4. YogaKids – Educating the Whole Child Through Yoga
Written by Marsha Wenig, the founder of YogaKids, this is a beautiful book full of colorful images and thorough descriptions.
5. Sitting Still like a Frog — Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents)
Written by Eline Snel, this book and CD is an introduction to mindfulness meditation for children. It includes practices that can help children calm down, become more focused, fall asleep more easily, alleviate worry, manage anger, and generally become more patient and aware.
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