Connecting To Nature

Being in Nature, or bringing bits of the outdoors into your "indoor life," is a wonderful way to stay connected to all the beautiful things Nature provides.
Because of all the emotional and physical benefits of being in Nature, it makes a lot of sense that we need to spend as much time as possible outdoors in Nature and bring nature inside our home. Just opening your windows, curtains, and doors, brings the outside, inside.
So why do we spend more time in front of a screen, then in Nature? How much time do you spend in natural settings with trees, shrubs, water and natural grasses each day? How can we change this?
How to bring Nature into our daily routines.
Did you know exercising outdoors reduces stress, lowers anxiety and enhances your mood even more than exercising indoors or in a gym.
Green Exercise, simply activity in the presence of Nature, helps you become excited about physical activity! Green Exercise makes exercising easier and studies show that even being in the presence of the color green while excising will positively affect your mood.
Studies have shown that exercising outdoors inspires us and keep us motivated to continue exercising. Expose to Nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical well being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and stress hormones.
If you exercise regularly, why not exercise outside?
Here are a few ways I’ve found to help me connect to Nature and bring more Nature into my life.
Way to Bring Nature into Your Life
Bringing plants into your home is a great way to connect to nature and reduce your stress and anxiety.
Plus plants give off negative ions replacing the ions our computers and tv suck out of the air. And plants help purify the air by reducing the amount of airborne pollutants.
Try natural Aromatherapy. Nature is full of lovely plant aromas. Plants not only make our environment pleasant, they are also full of chemicals that enhance our thinking, mood, and immune system.
Remember to be Mindful, slow down and be present!
Probably the most important thing to remember when you want to connect with Nature is learning how to slow down and be truly present with the natural world. Most of us live our life at such a fast pace it becomes difficult to appreciate the magnificence all around us.
If your mind is too busy with thoughts about the past and future, then you won't be able to experience nature even if it is right in front of you.
Another big secret to feeling in touch with the natural world is learning to consciously tune in with your five senses. Nature is a sensory experience and living in a fast paced, technological society has caused our sensory awareness to atrophy. So when you step outside, always start by giving yourself a few minutes to consciously tune in with your five senses.
One of the best ways to connect with nature is by mindfully recognizing the effect nature has on your mind and body.
Feel how Nature Affects You.
Try this little nature exercise:
Take a walk and find a place to sit down, rest and pause from thinking as best you can. Allow your eyes to rest in everything they see. Next, close your eyes and listen to the sounds. Sense your belonging to Nature. Become aware of how you feel being in nature. Stay as long as you wish, and as you leave say thank you for your experience of connecting to Nature.Nature brings you closer to your own spirit and helps you connect with the great Spirit. In nature, you take off the mask you present to the outer world as you begin to take in the beauty all around you.
Spending time in nature connects you with the powerful loving presence that loves and supports you. You receive guidance and wisdom and begin to feel comfortable in your own skin. You experience your own quiet peace and strength and begin to sense the inner you that is the true you.
As you sense the miracle of a single flower or the majestic strength of a mountain standing there for all those years you feel awe and joy and are whole again.
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